TH2, Global Gate Tower 4, Ground Floor, Saadiyat Island
single page feature image
  • Plot area=12,234 sqm.
  • Total GFA=46,384 sqm
  • Residential GFA=43,761 sqm
  • Retail GFA= 2,623 Sqm – Retail NLA= 1,973 Sqm
  • BUA: 86,376 sqm.
  • No. of floors: 2 Basements + Ground + T1,2,3=10 floors + T3= 4 floors
  • No. of units: 329 (69 Studios 69 | 124 Two bedrooms | 23 Three bedrooms | 11 Townhouses).
  • Amenities: pool, gyms and yoga space.
  • Provided parking 487.

    Project Details

  • Category:
  • Location: Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi
  • Nature: Residential Building
  • Plot Area: 12,234 sqm
  • GFA: 46,384 sqm
  • No of Units: 380 Apartments
  • Types of Units: 1, 2, and 3 Bedrooms
  • Project Value: AED 500 Million
  • Handover Date: 2021

Global Gateway

  • Plot area=12,234 sqm.
  • Total GFA=46,384 sqm
  • Residential GFA=43,761 sqm
  • Retail GFA= 2,623 Sqm – Retail NLA= 1,973 Sqm
  • BUA: 86,376 sqm.
  • No. of floors: 2 Basements + Ground + T1,2,3=10 floors + T3= 4 floors
  • No. of units: 329 (69 Studios 69 | 124 Two bedrooms | 23 Three bedrooms | 11 Townhouses).
  • Amenities: pool, gyms and yoga space.
  • Provided parking 487.